July Newsletter Message: Change

Pastor Brian asked me to write the greeting for the July newsletter, so I have selected the topic of “Change” for my sharing. Since May 25 I have been clinging to the scripture Isaiah 40:11 “Jesus will take care of his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs together and carry them in his arms; he will gently lead their mothers.” On May 25 I received news that my 20-year-old grandson Phoenix had fallen and was in critical condition. On May 26 Phoenix’s life support system was removed.

Phoenix donated his heart and kidney so two other persons would have life. Of course, my initial reaction was why did this happen? I was angry at God and anybody else who could have possibly prevented Phoenix’s death. My life as I had known it was forever changed. I have my memories of Phoenix to cling to as I move forward, and I know Jesus is playing chess with Phoenix now.

Every time I read Ecclesiastes 3:15 (A Time for Everything) scripture I think of my beloved United Methodist Church. The UMC is in the middle of making decisions concerning how to address persons who are self-avowed homosexuals seeking ordination and marriage in the UMC. Change has come and will continue in the UMC. I prefer the UMC stay the same as it has been, but I know change is mandating pastors and local churches make a decision on the policies/guidelines they will adhere to in the future. Our church will hold an informational gathering in August so we can discuss what options we’re researching for our local church.

Change occurs every day! How I approach and react to the change can only be done through prayer. Many of you have carried me through Phoenix’s death with your unending prayers. I now ask you to join me in praying for our United Methodist Church, our local church, our leaders, and our families as we live through and with the many changes we face.

Your Sister in Christ,
Carolyn Dove, Administrative Council Chairperson

Read Full Monthly Newsletter, July 2022

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