March Message from Rev. Coplin

Our Ash Wednesday service was like none I’ve ever known. If you didn’t make it, I’d like you to know that FUMC Many began the season of Lent together with a meal and a moving worship service filled with traditional liturgy, a variety of music, and prayerful reflection. We heard the words of Jesus implore, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal.” We then explored the impermanence of earthly treasures and the transience of our very lives. We discussed how holding too tightly onto temporary treasures as if they were permanent amounts to holding onto a pile of ashes. Yet even in the finality of death, Christians are a people of hope.

It should be impossible that in a pile of burned-out ashes, broken and beyond repair, that hope could be found. It should be impossible that in death itself, there could possibly be a glimmer of hope. Yet, our Scriptures teach that with God all things are possible. This makes Christians a people of hope, believing in a good God who will, “turn mourning to dancing and give beauty for ashes.” This is who we are. We therefore enter a season which is marked both with ashes and with hope. Together we prayerfully engage in spiritual practices which help to loosen our grip on the temporary treasures and hold fast to our forever treasure.

As we journey forth into this season following in the footsteps of our Lord to the Cross of Jerusalem, the “Listen to Him” daily devotional and weekly small group curriculum serve as our guide. I have seen with my own eyes that amazing things can happen in a congregation devoted to a season of spiritual disciplines. It is not too late to join us if you would like to take part!

Please contact me at if you would like to be connected with materials and group discussion. May grace and peace abound in your life this Lenten season.

In Christ,

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