October Message from Rev. Coplin & Newsletter
Dear Church,
I pray these words find you well! As I mentioned in September, our latest revision of the proposed Rules of Governance is now available for review! Enclosed, you’ll find the document that will be up for vote during our approaching Church Conference on October 29, immediately following our worship service, with potluck lunch to follow. The motivation behind these changes in governance is twofold:
- Simplified structure. This structure is considerably more streamlined than the one we’ve followed for many years. The intention of this change is to free our members for more time in direct ministry and to offer those who continuously serve in leadership a much-deserved year of rest.
- Accountability and transparency. The new rules require an increased level of communication from the Council to our congregation. Furthermore, increased accountability for your pastor and leadership are intended to enhance resource stewardship and alignment to our mission.
This “Simplified Accountable Structure” is being adopted by congregations of all sizes within our conference with good results. I encourage each of you to read through the proposed rules. Should there be any concerns or questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Another crucial item up for vote is the sale of the home graciously donated to our church by Ms. Janice Rike. More details regarding the proposed utilization of funds from this sale will soon be provided by our Finance Committee. A potluck lunch immediately following our Church Conference will celebrate this generous donation.
Lastly, a reminder that Church Conferences empower every member with a vote. Not long ago, our Administrative Council unanimously agreed to conduct our disaffiliation vote during a Church Conference, ensuring an equal voice for all members during a crucial decision. In the spirit of inclusivity, transparency, and accountability that this new system advocates, I believe presenting these items to the entire church for a vote is once again the right approach. I also believe you are reading these words because you want the best for your church. I offer this opportunity for positive change as means of fostering understanding, nurturing unity, stewarding our resources, and guiding us toward a brighter, shared future
Grace and peace,
View Full Monthly Newsletter, October 2023
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